We, in the European Leadership Network, urge de-escalation of NATO-Russia military risks.
The security situation in Europe has deteriorated to its lowest point since the end of the Cold War.
NATO and Russian military forces operate in much closer proximity than just a few years ago, previous lines of NATO-Russia communications have broken down, and the nuclear and conventional arms control system that took decades to build is rapidly unravelling, with nothing to take its place.
Against this backdrop, the ELN has lent its support to an extended series of detailed senior expert discussions led by ELN members Sergey Rogov and Alexey Gromyko on how NATO and Russia might reduce the risk of inadvertent conflict. The experts group has comprised some 30 people including retired diplomats and military officers from the United States, Russia and Europe.
While members of the group differed over the root causes of the current crisis, they share a common concern that as tension builds between Russia and NATO, there is a growing danger of a real military confrontation.
Read a summary from the discussions leading up to this or download the entire text of the recommendations in English and Russian. Here are links to the full text in French and Polish.